Course Overview

  • What are course description?

    The Auditor is the person whose main charge is to perform a security check to confirm the security level of an organization as per the required standards and guidelines.In the field of Cyber Security audit means assessment and implementation of cybersecurity guidelines and standards. It helps the organizations to manage cyber threats. The auditor monitors security operations and takes actions if needed. It is essential for organizations to get aware of all the risk factors and security controls. On the other hand Compliance contains various guidelines and standards which will govern the auditing procedure up to the requirements. In this course you will about the how auditing is carried out and what are its standards parameters which are need to be fulfilled during the process of audit and also the different documentations which will govern the process of audit as in compliance.

  • Who can Avail this course?

    Legal Professional, Law enforcement personals, System administrators, e-Business Security, Professionals, Defence and Military personals, Cyber Security, last semester undergraduates.

  • Projects given in this training

    There are number of projects which are given to the students along with the small assignments which are compulsory for all to submit. These projects and assignment contains number of practise modules which will help you to grow your skills for both self-deployment and your future corporate life.

  • Basic requirement for this certification

    There is no such criteria for basic requirement to pursue this course. On the other hand if you have basic knowledge of operating systems, networking and server it will be beneficial for you.

  • Validity of certificate?

    Your certificate is valid for 3 years, after 3 years you can simply renew your certificate by giving certification renewal exam.

  • Passing criteria of IIEH ?

    Passing criteria in IIEH is 70%. And this is strictly followed by us.


    Types of Auditing

    IT LAWS and ACTS

    ISO 27001:2005:2013 & PCI DSS

    Risk Assessment

    Network Security Auditing

    Physical Security and Compliance

    Exam & certification

    • Validity of certificate?

      Your certificate is valid for 3 years, after 3 years you can simply renew your certificate by giving certification renewal exam.

    • In how much time will I get my certificate?

      After the submission of your examination, you will get your certificates in 3 weeks.

    • Passing criteria of IIEH ?

      Passing criteria in IIEH is 70%. And this is strictly followed by us.

    Course advisor

    IIEH Team


    • Is the course fees negotiable?

      when ever you are ready to join for the training, you can visit at our head office or simply call us . At that time we can discuss about the fees.

    • In how much time will I get my certificate?

      After the submission of your examination, you will get your certificates in 3 weeks.

    • Passing criteria of IIEH ?

      Passing criteria in IIEH is 70%. And this is strictly followed by us.

    • This course is practicle based or theory based?

      All the topics which are being taught in the IIEH are mainly practicle based, but there are some theoretical part included in them to understand them better.

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